My neighborhood is a very beautiful place, there are lots of people and I like it very much
哪位大神有我的街区第一季2018年上映的由 Sierra Capri主演的百度云资源
《我的街区 第一季》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看
编剧: Francesca Gailes、埃迪·冈萨雷斯、杰里米·哈夫特
类型: 喜剧、爱情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
首播: 2018-03-16(美国)
季数: 123
集数: 10
单集片长: 30分钟
又名: 洛城南区,我的青春(台)
my neighborhood 我的街区英语作文
My neighborhood Now I want to tell you something about my neighborhood. In my neighborhood,there are many buildings for keeping good health,for example,a pingpang training-room.And there is aslo a swimming pool for you to have fun.Besides,you can relax yourself by using the public fitness equipments.You can find there are lots of schools here,including a high school,a middle school,a kingdergarten and two primary schools.Maybe you will notice this downtown is very lively,too.The reason is that there are some resturants,supermarkets and barber shops here. In a word,I believe that my neighborhood is prosperous and I like it very much.Then I hope that one day you can come and visit it,and I guess you will like it just as me.
作文:我的街区 60词
一到休息日,大街上就热闹起来。 瞧,街道上,各类车辆川流不息,把道路堵得水泄不通。有风驰电掣的小轿车,有急速飞奔的摩托车,有轻捷方便的电动车,还有悠然自得的自行车……我们犹如置身于车海之中。车辆还排起了队伍,组成了一幅长龙似的图案。 看, 街上人流如潮,人人笑容满面。年轻人三个一伙,五个一群地走在大街上。他们戴着MP3,听着音乐,情不自禁地跟着音乐唱了起来。也有的年轻人在说说笑笑,街上一直回荡着他们的笑声。老年人拄着拐杖,静静地坐在长椅子上,沐浴着那温暖的阳光,真是舒服极了!孩子们蹦蹦跳跳的,特别贪吃,只要听到边上有人喊:“羊肉串!羊肉串!”,闻到那诱人的香味,就忍不住叫爸爸妈妈买一串,我也跟着要了一串呢! 听,汽车的喇叭声,商店里的音乐声,人们的说笑声,交织在一起,如同一首交响曲。 夜晚,这儿就更热闹了。汽车一辆接着一辆,车灯闪耀着,像天空中的一颗颗小星星。 啊!我真喜欢热闹的大街啊!
一到节假日,街上就热闹起来了,商店里的各种商品琳琅满目,聚集着很多人。繁华的街上更是热闹,路的两旁有卖玩具的,各种小吃,衣服和一些日常用品等。宽阔的马路上,车水马龙,人流如潮,热闹非凡,夜晚也如同白天一样热闹,我尽情地观赏着这一切: 各种颜色的路灯闪耀着耀眼的光芒,马路上奔流不息的车就像一条闪光的长龙,街道两旁的小贩们高声叫着,喊着,各种小吃散发着诱人的香味,客人们过足了口福,也过足了眼福,真热闹呀!也让我大开眼界啊!
my neighborhood (我的街区)英语作文
My neighborhood is around the streets of Irvine Turner Boulevard. My neighborhood has a lot of buildings and children. In my neighborhood there are houses being built for new people to move in. There are a lot of cars that come through my neighborhood because my street leads to the highway. As a result of all the cars and the music, it can be noisy. My neighborhood is bad and good. Besides the drug dealers, gangs and shootings, there are the friendly people. I like my neighborhood because I was raised there and lived there for almost my whole life.